The Gift of Passion
This part of the year is often filled with a flurry of activity.
The past few weeks have included finishing up projects at work, cooking and holiday parties, shopping for gifts, all on top of the normal day to day chores. My guess is that it's been the same for you as well.
One of the things about getting caught up in all of the holiday spirit, is that we often forget to leave a little time for ourselves. Time to think about what we want today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future.
The effort and stress of thinking of others saps every inch of energy that we have, and leaves nothing for ourselves. But remember: Incorporating your passions isn't going to happen by itself. It can only happen when you take the time to look in the mirror and ask yourself “What is it that makes me come alive?”
When you answer that question, the next step is to ask if you are doing that, if you are actually bringing your passions into your life. It doesn't have to be in a big way. It could just be doing a casual hobby or reading a book here and there.
If you are, great! If you aren't, maybe now is the time to start planning on how you're going to do that. It should start with small steps, things that you can put into play right away, regardless of your work schedule or your finances. There should be no impediments hindering your progress.
If you're still searching for your own passion, Crazy Enough To Try can help you or someone you know get started on that path. Get the eBook in time for Christmas anywhere eBooks are sold.
Give yourself the gift of passion this year. You deserve it.
- Ryan