Patience, Your Dreams Will Take Time

"I want my dream and I want it now."

That's really what we're saying when we rush to complete something we're passionate about in hopes of becoming successful.

I'm all for working very hard on what we're passionate about, but along the way there are bound to be hiccups and missteps. People will get in the way or plans won't work quite as well as they should have. It's going to happen.

Achieving dreams and building success from that desire to work a passion will take time. And unfortunately that's probably going to take more time than you think.

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Crazy Enough To Try: Now in Paperback!

Crazy Enough To Try started out as a project to help myself and others learn how people find their passions. We're often told the advice "Find your passion and you'll be happy," but no one ever explains how to do it. That's what I wanted to do.

Last April, I released Crazy Enough To Try as an ebook as my first foray into published writing. After great feedback from readers, I decided I was going to take it to the next level.

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Ryan BonaparteBook
Thinking of quitting your job? Don't.

At least not yet.

Often times we come up with reasons why need to leave our jobs. It could be that we hate our boss, or the work is incredibly boring, or the office politics are getting to us, or something else. These can be valid concerns and despite trying hard to be passionate about your work, may be  issues that just can't be resolved without leaving.

But before you quit your job, either to find work elsewhere or to start your own business, I would suggest a slightly different approach.

Set a date six months from today. On that day, you will be giving your two weeks notice.

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You Don't Need A Degree To Be Something

The other day, I was thinking about how I defined myself and how much my education influenced that. I am an engineer because I went to school to learn how to be an engineer, graduated with an engineering degree, and I currently work as an engineer.

And then I thought, that although I was an engineer by education, I was also an author. That came not from education, but from action.

From there I began to think of numerous other professions that don't require more than a bit of learning and the will to break into them.

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Staying Committed To A Goal

When looking towards future goals (goals are often a side effect of discovering a passion), staying committed to them takes a bit of work. 

It will mean that you will have to work hard for quite some time, all the while, you'll have little to show for it but missed sleep, big dreams, and an unfinished project.

But that's the nature of hard work and dedication.

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Conversations on Passion: Jennifer Chen of The Fashion Hub

Conversations on Passion is an interview series with those who have found and are living their passion in some form. If you'd like to be profiled, send me a note at  

For the first in the interview series, I've spoken with Jennifer Chen. Quite the busy person, she's actively involved in her day job and her passion work, all the while trying to keep a personal life. Creator of the website The Fashion Hub, she is very passionate about fashion, but that's not all. I had a chance to interview her and I'm happy to share her thoughts on passion, life, and more.

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Get Angry and Then Get Smart

 "You're never going to find your passion."

"You're never going to make the necessary changes in your life to make that passion your reality."


When you hear words like that, you should get angryReal angry. You may feel frustrated right now in your current situation, but never is a long time, and who is to tell you what your future holds?

Statements like those may float around in your head, or you may hear it coming from people you know and thought had your best interests at heart.

If you're really going to make that change and introduce passion into your life, either as your career or as a hobby, you have to be able to take comments like these and get angry at them. Get angry at the idea that someone (including yourself) has the nerve to say you can't do something.


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Beating Back Distractions

I love being distracted. And I'm surprisingly good at rationalizing why, instead of working on one of my actual projects, my iTunes playlists need to be cleared out. Or my bathroom needs to be cleaned. Or any number of other trivial things. Creating a good space to work is important, but it can easily become a distraction to keep any work from actually happening.

The one thing that keeps me in check is this constant thought that runs through my head:

"How bad do I want to reach my goals?" 

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Are you really open to change?

Are you really open to change? I'm not referring to a different cereal for breakfast, though for some people that really is a huge change. Don't get in between me and my Honey Bunches of Oats.

I'm thinking bigger. Bolder. What if tomorrow your job just suddenly vanished? Would you be able to cope, to regroup to come up with a strategy to redefine your career?

Be open to change. When it comes time to following your passion, change is inevitable. Whether that's changing your job, where you live, or even just changing your mindset, change is a part of it. Embrace it.

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Your Passions vs. Your Finances

"Follow your passion and you'll be happy!"

That's what a lot of people will suggest. And that's a good suggestion. But it's not a reasonable, thought out course of action.

Besides it being the most vague advice you can give someone, when it comes down to it, there are some very real reasons why that might not be a feasible plan. 

You may not want to turn a hobby into a job for fear that it will be corrupted. You may not be good enough with your current skills to be able to charge someone enough to survive on. Or you passion may not have much of an audience at all. If you like making miniature blinds for dollhouses, that's great, but I'm not sure if that's the next big thing. (Though I'm sure you could come up with some way of capitalizing on it.)

The main reason why working your passion can be difficult is and always will be money.  And most times, it's because we don't have enough saved up to sustain ourselves while we build something out of nothing.

You can choose not to make a living off of your passions, but don't let your personal finances keep you from following your passions.

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Ryan BonaparteHobbies, Career, Money, Goals
Create A Positive Environment

In order to pursue your passion, it can really help to develop a positive environment around you. In particular, get rid of drains, things that suck the life out of you.

That could mean removing certain people from your life, leaving jobs that take everything from you and give nothing in return, or moving into a different living arrangement that doesn't constantly cause you stress.

Now, that's not to say that everything has to be perfect before you start on your journey, but it definitely helps to get rid of as many negative things as possible. I've seen people completely drained after a long day and they have nothing left to give to their passions. What are the chances that whatever strength they are able to muster will allow them to build anything more than a small hobby?

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