Posts tagged Real
One Year Later, The 10 Most Important Lessons I've Learned About Passion

One year ago, as I sat on my couch with my computer on my lap, I clicked "Publish" and officially became an author. I released Crazy Enough To Try last April, and it was the culmination of months of hard work and hours of writing, editing, and reworking.

It was also the result of countless conversations, both those that were documented and included in the book, as well as informal ones with others. Throughout that time, and even more so over the past year, I have learned so much from speaking with people about their passions. Some think of it as a guiding principle that energizes you, while others refer to it as a burning, almost suffering for it, sensation.

I thought I would take this time to reflect on what I've learned throughout this project and how it might be applicable to your life.

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There Is No Perfect

In my last post, I referred to Will Smith's advice on building a wall, an analogy for accomplishing a huge task looming in front of us. I said take small perfect steps to accomplish your goals.

What do I mean by perfect?

Perfect is somewhat of a loaded word, because it implies that we can do something perfectly. It suggests that if we do something perfectly, if we write that perfect email, or land that perfect job interview, or we get that perfect opportunity, that everything will just work out.

The chances of us do anything perfectly is exactly nil, and even if we could do one thing perfectly, the rest is not going to just work out.

So what am I really saying? I'm saying to do the absolute best you can.

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Take One Perfect Step Today

"You don't set out to build a wall. You don't say 'I'm going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that's ever been built.' You don't start there. You say, 'I'm going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid.' You do that every single day. And soon you have a wall."

-- Will Smith

This is one of the quotes I live by, and I've thought about it almost every day since I heard it.

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Your Passions Are Not Unique, But You Are

When I first set out to find my passions, I had this desire in the back of my mind to find something that was unique. Something that would set me apart from others, and allow me to bring something different to this world.

I searched high and low, I tried extremely hard to find that one thing that would be unique and awesome that I, and only I, could do. It actually made the search harder, because I dismissed anything that wasn't "unique". 

When I finally did realize what my biggest passion was, transforming awesome ideas into action, I was both excited and a little disappointed.

My passion is not unique, there are thousands of people who already do that.

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Shattering The Perception of Passion

"I'm going to follow my passion this year!"

I can hear the resolutions coming quickly, filled with good intentions. 

When someone says they are "following their passion", generally what they mean is that they have figured out what it is that excites them and drives them and makes them want to get out of bed most mornings and that is what they are doing as a career.

This is not the case for most people, however. In fact, the majority of people working in the US are unhappy with their jobs. So "following your passion" is not exactly common practice, and many see it as a way to happiness.

But I want to give this one warning:

Passion is not perfect.

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Ryan BonaparteWork, Real, Why, Passion
Create A Positive Environment

In order to pursue your passion, it can really help to develop a positive environment around you. In particular, get rid of drains, things that suck the life out of you.

That could mean removing certain people from your life, leaving jobs that take everything from you and give nothing in return, or moving into a different living arrangement that doesn't constantly cause you stress.

Now, that's not to say that everything has to be perfect before you start on your journey, but it definitely helps to get rid of as many negative things as possible. I've seen people completely drained after a long day and they have nothing left to give to their passions. What are the chances that whatever strength they are able to muster will allow them to build anything more than a small hobby?

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Learn Your Passion

I haven't learned my passion yet. 

I haven't learned what I need to know in order to become a bona fide inventor or creator of a successful business. 

And that means I'm not ready. 

I'm not ready to make that transition, to work specifically on it as a career, to live out my passions of tinkering and creating (Uh oh, if you haven't read Crazy Enough To Try yet, I'm giving away the not-so-surprise ending, haha).

And that's ok. Because we're always learning about new ideas, new concepts, and gaining new knowledge. And're never ready to make a big jump.

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A Poem On Real-Life Passion

I recently met a young woman named Miranda who published a book on art and the reality of failing, Don't Make Art, Just Make Something.

The main concept of the book is that for those of us who are just starting out, it's next to impossible to hit it out of the park on the first swing. The vast majority of the time, there will be many 'failures' and the key to learning and getting better is through these failures. This applies just as well to fledgling artists as it does to anyone progressing in a traditional career.

In this book, Miranda has a poem on passion that I thought was very fitting for the message here at Crazy Enough To Try. In fact, her book actually inspired the post on practicing your passions. With her permission, I've included the poem below.

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