Posts tagged Why
Why do you do what you do?

I'll start by saying that if I don't have all the answers. I don't pretend to and I don't think anyone does.

Instead I think the focus should be on asking the right questions to get people thinking of their own answers.

"Why do you do what do?"

This question popped into my head the other day. Why do any of us do what we do? We could go down the existential route of looking at why we exist, but I think that's a bigger question for another time. I'm more focused on why do we pick the activities we like and why do we pursue the opportunities we do.

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Shattering The Perception of Passion

"I'm going to follow my passion this year!"

I can hear the resolutions coming quickly, filled with good intentions. 

When someone says they are "following their passion", generally what they mean is that they have figured out what it is that excites them and drives them and makes them want to get out of bed most mornings and that is what they are doing as a career.

This is not the case for most people, however. In fact, the majority of people working in the US are unhappy with their jobs. So "following your passion" is not exactly common practice, and many see it as a way to happiness.

But I want to give this one warning:

Passion is not perfect.

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Ryan BonaparteWork, Real, Why, Passion
Why Passion Matters

When I first began my search for activities that I'm passionate about, I didn't really think much about "why?" I just knew that if I wanted to be doing something I enjoyed for the rest of my life, I had to be passionate about it. 

But really, the "why" is an important part of this search, and any search really. Think about it, if you don't know why you are trying to find something or why you are trying to accomplish a goal, then what's the point? And what are your chances of actually succeeding?

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Ryan BonaparteLife, Why