"Follow your passion and you'll be happy!"
That's what a lot of people will suggest. And that's a good suggestion. But it's not a reasonable, thought out course of action.
Besides it being the most vague advice you can give someone, when it comes down to it, there are some very real reasons why that might not be a feasible plan.
You may not want to turn a hobby into a job for fear that it will be corrupted. You may not be good enough with your current skills to be able to charge someone enough to survive on. Or you passion may not have much of an audience at all. If you like making miniature blinds for dollhouses, that's great, but I'm not sure if that's the next big thing. (Though I'm sure you could come up with some way of capitalizing on it.)
The main reason why working your passion can be difficult is and always will be money. And most times, it's because we don't have enough saved up to sustain ourselves while we build something out of nothing.
You can choose not to make a living off of your passions, but don't let your personal finances keep you from following your passions.
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